2024 Elections: Where can I find the candidates’ government programs?

In 2024, almost 156 million Brazilians are eligible to go to the polls to choose their representatives in city halls and municipal chambers across the country. One of the main questions voters have on the eve of the election is where to find the candidates’ proposals and government programs.

The quickest and easiest way is through the website of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), the highest court in Brazil’s Electoral Court and responsible for elections. In October of this year, the population will vote for mayor (and vice-mayor on a ticket) and city councilor.

Through the Disclosure of Candidacies and Electoral Accounts (Divulgacand) platform, the TSE makes available the government programs presented by the candidates for mayor, with their main proposals. It is possible to download the document and save it for future demands on the elected officials.

The government plan is a document that presents to society the entire planning of actions that the candidate intends to carry out during his term, if elected.

This is documentation required by Law No. 12,034/2009. All candidates are required to submit it in order to register their candidacy with the Electoral Court.

The candidates’ government program lists proposals for a wide range of areas, including health, education, transport and urban mobility.

See the step by step guide to access

  • Go to the DivulgaCand website and click on the region of the country you want to search for (North, South, Central-West, Northeast or Southeast);
  • When you open the page for the chosen region, click on the desired state;
  • Then, click on “Applications”;
  • The next step is to select the desired municipality and the position you wish to search for (in the case of the 2024 elections, mayor, deputy mayor or councilor). The government program is only presented by candidates for mayor. Finally, click on “search”;
  • A list of the names of candidates already registered with the Electoral Court will appear. Click on the chosen name;
  • The candidate’s profile contains a series of information about him/her, such as a list of assets declared to the Electoral Court, history in previous elections, level of education, spending limit and campaign contracts, criminal records in court, party to which he/she is affiliated, official website, etc. Click on “Proposals”;
  • A file in format pdf will automatically open with the government plan of the chosen candidate. Simply click on the document and download it. This way, the voter will have access to the proposals of the government plan of a ticket.
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The DivulgaCand platform is maintained by the TSE. The data of registered candidates is entered by the country’s electoral offices. In addition to all the information about the candidate, the website also informs the status of the candidacy’s registration – whether it is awaiting judgment or has already been judged, having been granted or rejected.

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